Thursday, July 26, 2007

Playing Catch Up Successfully

Okay. Let's look at reality. This past week, a friend of mine told several of us that his sister and her family, who own a good business in the LA area, were going to donate THREE MILLION DOLLARS to PETA because of their good work for animals. Well, we just about came unglued. We dug up a host of facts and sent him on his way to educate his sister. Now, HOW MANY OTHERS are donating money thru wills, trusts, and just outright donations? Now, where does that lead? It leads to AR organizations being able to hire FULL TIME PR persons, full time lawyers to draft legislation, writers to create articles, and all of these spend at least 8 hours a day, five days a week, year in and year out PUTTING OUT PR and LEGISLATION for these animal rights outfits like HSUS and PETA. So how do we counteract that onslaught? 1. We need to support the national organizations that ARE working to provide real information, who have websites and who have media contacts, federal and state government contacts and who are respectable and factual in their presentations. National Animal Interest Alliance is one of Personally, I am not acquainted with all organizations that covers all animal interests and species. There are national orgs that relate to specific breeds, such as in dogs or cats; specific activities, such as farming or ranching or circuses; or to specific pet species, such as birds and herps and fish. They also deserve our support in terms of membership dues, and in terms of volunteer activities for these orgs. We all need to step up to the plate and get active in working to support our animal interest organizations. 2. We need to support the internet websites or bloggers that support OUR animal interests and causes, such as or or dog politics. 3. We need to PURPOSEFULLY educate our family members and friends and acquaintances about the problem of the animal rights orgs, and make a point of NAMING them...HSUS, PETA, etc. and tell why they are a problem for all animal owners. People need to know and appreciate the facts. 4. We need to 'make friends' with local animal control when that is possible. In other words, when they haven't already been taken over by the AR belief system. Even then, if local breed clubs can make a point of working with local animal control agencies, providing free training days for the public, assisting with adoptions, providing fund raising projects that help the shelter animals, THAT can change their minds. 5. We need to make sure that every member of the animal organizations to which we belong have their email address in the main files of that organization so that we are able to INFORM people when threatening bills are proposed at the state or federal level. And, it would help to have some meetings devoted to educating the membership about animal rights...who they are and what they do and how to fight them. 6. We need to respond to ALL media articles about animal issues and be sure that the information provided is accurate and gives a balanced opinion to the public. When a staff writer presents a one- sided AR view of animal issues, we need to call them on that and present the facts and push for them to share those facts with the public. We cannot stand idly by when b.s. is being reported in the news. 7. We need to introduce ourselves to our LOCAL county commisioners and our STATE representative and senators, and let them know about our interests in animals and our CONCERNS about the AR agenda. In my case, I give them a copy of the book: Animal Rights: The Inhumane Crusade, along with a one page flyer which describes the difference between animal welfare and animal rights. I make a friendly relationship with the staff person if there is one for the state rep or the federal senator or congressman. All these actions are what the animal rights folks are doing...If we FAIL to do this, we leave the area of legislative power in their hands...and then when proposed laws come forward, we are way behind the power curve. 8. We need to take the opportunities that present themselves and use them to educate the public. For example, when there are local dog, cat and bird shows, marts, or other animal events, setting up an educational booth with general information about the animal AND with special information about animal rights is great. Often the event organizer, if the animal rights issues are explained, will provide a FREE booth for such information. If that is not possible, find a person or organization with a booth who will allow you to provide flyers about the AR problem, or, get permission to pass them out at the door of the that every attendee gets a flyer. Be sure the flyer includes website information about the animal rights agenda and about pro-animal they can become a part of our solution to the problem. Probably others on this list can come up with further recommendations on what we can do, but the above eight actions are what I have learned over the past twenty plus years DO WORK! Now, the picture is bleak...but not hopeless. Why? Because more animal owners are waking up to the animal rights realities and deciding to do something about it. Because more and more members of the public are becoming educated about the AR agenda...and, if given the opportunity, even legislators do wake up. But, the wake up calls need to be put out there more and more often and the only way that is going to happen is IF and WHEN each person on this list selects the actions that they will perform to help change the tide of public opinion towards pro-animal interests. One individual cannot do everything, but one individual can do SOMETHING... Many individuals each doing SOMETHING will change the situation to benefit animal owners. (Name of author withheld on this blog)

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